Vishal Nayer

Find Vishal on Facebook How did the workshop help me. personally it helped me open up,just do what you think is can call this workshop a very good personality development programme as well. am more patient, more in control of myself. basically i feel good bout myself. proffesionally a

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Shwetha Sharma

I must say that i really enjoyed doing this workshop! Since I learn classical dancing I always wanted to find out how it felt doing theatre and the other ART forms.I learned a lot from this workshop and I am definately going to try and inculcate those inputs in my dancing. I realised

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Can’t decide on how much to write the workshop helped me, I’ll have to go on writing about each and every class… The magical “Teacher” called Mr. Ratan greets you on day one and rest becomes an epic tale of you discovering yourself in all aspects. His teachings (Lectures) brought

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Priya Pradeep

They say acting is about action and reaction. However my reaction to the above statement after undergoing the fabulous course in acting for 3 months under Ratan Thakore Grant is that it is not so simple. There are a myriad things to co-ordinate as you emote before an audience or

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Mayank Rungta

The feedback from my end: I had a tough phase at work during this work shop and so it did not just help me with my skills it was my only time off from all the turbulence at office. I always looked forward to the classes and wudn’t miss a

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Niki Ravi

That was really amazing vishal.well this workshop definately helped me too! firstly,i discovered my interest in theatre.honestly speakin i have always loved watchin plays and films and wished that i could get a platform to explore myself in this field,and misfit provided me with that stage!during my low days,attending this

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