Level 2 focuses on taking the actor to a different plane of performance – from natural to real. It’s called ‘acting in the moment’. Despite being rehearsed, the performance looks real because the actor becomes one with the character.

This course takes the actor on an inward journey, where the actor taps into his/her emotions, and then merges it with the characters’ being.

The Course includes:

  1. Breaking down of a scene
  2. “In the moment” acting – despite numerous rehearsals the performance looks real as if happening for the first time.
  3. In depth analysis of the primary emotions and actors journey through each emotion
  4. Triggers – Finding your “triggers”
  5. Transitioning from being natural to being real
  6. Creating layers, subtexts and shades to make your character engaging
  7. Advanced treatment of characterisation and improvisation.
  8. The “emotional dance between comedy and drama”.

Level 2 is ONLY applicable for students who have completed Level 1. If previous level 1 students are interested in joining this workshop, please drop us a line here.
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