Aditi Sanwal
aditisanwal20 (at) gmail (dot) com
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Well! You know, there are times when you think about something so much, look forward to it all the time, enjoy that thing so much, but aha! When u want to pen it down, you can’t. MISF!T is that experience for me. It is really hard to describe the experience in words. They might call it a “course” in acting, but actually it is a whole new journey. It not only gave me technicalities of acting, but also a different kind of freedom, to act stupid, to meet so many strangers and be totally foolish in front of them, to be creative, to expand my imagination, and show me how capable i am to try different things. It is an irony that nobody is a misfit at MISF!T. Thanks to the whole MISF!T family for making these weekends so memorable for me. I cant thank u enough Ratan, for the kind-brutal person you are. No wonder, everyone loves you. I dont want L1 to end, but offcourse i know that is not possible…so ya! looking forward to L2. Again, thank you so much MISF!T, for making this one of the most cherished and memorable experience of my life 🙂
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