Ju Talukdar – Another feedback
Yet another barrier broken…yet another dawn…yet another exhilarating weekend at Ratan’s Workshop! I am simply loving it 🙂
Kaushik Rangarajan
kaushik0508 (at) gmail (dot) com
Hello Ratan , Where do I start? I had been meaning to start up on theatre for 4 months(my first mail to you was dated 5th July) before I actually stepped up and registered for L1Batch24 and I haven’t regretted it one bit (so far 😀 ) . Well,
Find Vineet on Facebook Hi Ratan, The MISF!T workshop has been brilliant so far. I have enjoyed every minute of my stay during your class. Sometimes you never know time pass by and the best part is we have so much fun. All the activities you make us do, especially
Unni Raj
Unni Raj on Facebook Rightly said Vineet ! The workshop has been a real life saver to each one of us. Ratan is a charismatic teacher who tenderly but firmly unfolds the petals to reveal the flower in you to the rest of the world.
Unni Raj – Another feedback
Last Sunday was magical ! Ratan brings his 25 year teaching experience to the table.He conducted the class like an artist, wielding his brush, pushing that inspired image from his cortex on to the empty canvas. The activities of the day didnt make any logical sense.They were counter-intuitive.But at the
Unni Raj – about the grading
It’s your level of passion that leaves your unique thumbprint on the hearts of others.What moves you, excites you, keeps you up at night and wakes you up in the morning? Without passion, you’ll never be your most charismatic, attractive, an…d influential self, living a life you enjoy and being
Amiya Sahoo
Intelligent teaching from an intelligent man.
Preetam Sarmah
I am so glad that finally the ‘then’, and ‘now’ have interchanged their places. As of today, I speak more of ‘now’, and less of ‘then’. Probably, because I have nailed the purpose of my continuation on this otherwise puzzling piece of concept called universe. Now, that I have so
Saily Pall
Find Saily on Facebook Life changing experience… I joined Misfit to learn acting, not knowing that at the end of day, I am going to learn so much about myself.I have started to believe in myself so much more, all thanks to Ratan.All the people around me can feel
Keshavan Velu
keku (dot) van (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Keshavan on Facebook Where do I start? I’m not a person who praises people easily on their face. But, would like to tell few sentences on behalf of the entire Batch 24. Firstly, would like to thank you to start up the MISF!T group and keep it running successfully