My name is Ian and I’m in the latest L1 batch of Misfit. Always been procrastinating until the urge to join in became strong enough to overcome my ‘better’ senses.
Decided to give a feedback before Thakore saheb starts pestering for it once again
I must say that Ratan has a way of getting things done, and if not, he’ll give that sweet sarcastic smile until it gets done. The workshop, though barely halfway through, has been a great experience. The latest episode was the realization of how little I observe about the world around me. Heck, it even shows how little I observe about myself too. The last session on Saturday, 12 Sep, all of us were thrown out of the class to go out into the public and interview them about topics that would evoke reactions. It was an exercise in observation of gestures and mannerisms and overall characteristics of a person that make them appear as they do. It’s amazing how little I notice most of the time. Actually, since I live in my head most of the time, that’s not too surprising. Each little gesture adds up to that effect, on whose mimicking makes it all the more realistic.
Mr Grant splits up the art and craft of acting into its individual components and focuses on one thing at a time, building it up by combining those various parts. Highly unpredictable as he is, he suddenly shoots up the pressure and pushes people to really freak out. It begins to make sense when we start getting on to the stage for the small 2-3 min presentations. So far, this has been my experience.
I know that not much will come out of me until I practice those little exercises he keeps giving and that’s something I’m not doing at all. So will have to work on that. Looking forward to seeing that beacon of light once again (thanks to the light bouncing off that bald shiny top of his ) and making the most of his classes. My respect goes to him for his effort and sincerity. Misfit is a place to seriously relook at oneself and have fun at the same time.
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