Pooja Sukhija
psukhija (at) hotmail (dot) com
I joined this class with a lot of hesitation, anticipation of what it might turn out to be.. part of me would get excited, part of me would feel so uncomfortable at the thought of joining this course that I wanted to run away. But my apprehensions were laid to rest on the very first day of class. To me what was so impressive is how your class is so structured and organized with theory and exercises that are so interesting, entertaining and so relevant to the topic. Whether that was teaching us how to concentrate, how to superimpose objects, how to observe, voice modulation- the exercises combined with your enthusiasm, passion, charisma makes it such a unique experience. What is most impressive is how you deal with 40 students with the level of attention that each person gets, to your way of critiquing.
I have found your feedback to be so on the mark and so encouraging that it makes people want to give their best. Your level of perception in how to deal with shy students and make them feel at ease is phenomenal. This class has helped me open up increased my power of observation. It has helped me in realizing that everyone is self conscious and I’m not the only one.I have learned so much in just a few weeks and really look forward to the remaining classes
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