Subhjit Sarkar
scuscores (at) gmail (dot) com
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Hi Ratan,
I have always had creative inclinations, but could never do justice to it because of the scheme of things. I finally broke out of it this time and managed to enroll in MISFIT and boy what a game changer of a decision it came out to be ! Not only did i learn fine nuances of Theatre and acting but also how to let go off my cocoon built up from years of conditioning. I would highly recommend Ratan’s teaching methods because they are very holistic, homogeneous and ingenious which makes something as technical as acting a joyful learning experience. I should also be mentioning the camaraderie in our batch which was exceptional due to the mutual respect everyone had for each other irrespective of backgrounds. All in all, a must do if you are even thinking T of Theatre.
Also the feedback on blindfolding exercise :
The blindfolding exercise came as a task where i had to completely rely on my sense of touch, hearing, taste and smell to cover up for my sense of vision. I relied completely on my colleague Shailesh to guide me through the streets enticing many curious looks and questions by passerbys !! I realized my sense of hearing and touch were pretty strong !! All in all, another brick in the wall !
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