Syed Nabeel
syednabeel090 (at) gmail (dot) com
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helloooo Ratan,
Dont know wat to tell itself.. whatever coming in mind am telling.
first of all the classes were amazing..mostly cos of the way it has been handled by u and another thing is cos of the ppl in the group.. after a long time am feeling this excited about any class.. i always feel nervous to go to any classes. but even though coming to this class makes me feel little nervous .once in the class i just forget everything. i wish this class never ends. U ve taught alot.. lot of stuffs about acting which i ve been wondering how exactly happens .. about the trigger and the emotions..i beleive its a very difficult thing.. and i still have not found that exactly.. or i know it but have not realised it yet. i dont know..
Basically from childhood am a confused person.. not stable in any thing..I beleive everyone are born to do something special in life.everyone ve some talent which is born with them , some special capabilities to excel in life.. am still finding it. I wondered sometimes wether acting is wat is special in me.. i dont know. but its this thing which actually makes me feel happy about. am still searching wat is that special thing in me.. still on search..if u ve the answer pls do let me know..u r the guruji…
About the teaching everything is good.. the only thing is that there are so many things which cant be learnt at first.. about the triggers, emotions, all these can be done with lot of implementation.. ve learnt alot.. technical stufss.. technical stuffs are becoming secondary in mind.. i meant slowly its becoming part of the actions, without the conscious mind the technical stuffs are coming out.. still nothing is perfect.. slowly slowly only learning.. and most imp the actors magic. its not easy to find it. and i ve a very bad memory to remember things in the exact way how it was in the recalling the small movements of the body from past am finding diffficulty.
all these are required to get the soul of the character.. which i beleive is not so easy.. i really wanna learn that..
One thing i forgot to ask during the registration time wether u teach method acting or not.. i ve got the answer now
.. and now i ve started seeing!!!!! earlier wen i travel places i wont ve much thing to describe about that travel.. now after being in this class i started observing.. i see so many things now.. and everything seem so interesting.. still i ve to improve alot in character observation cos very slowly my brain process the entire thing about one person.. so need to improve on that.. things which we ve to learn u taught us.. rest is upto us to how we develop this and how we keep practicing this to improve. ur guidance is required alot in this..
I would really love to continue theatre as my hobby, as my interest, cos through acting is wat all the emotions i can express. acting helps alot in bringing out all the emotions inside..
The experience is just toooooo awesome.. it cant be explained it has to be experienced!! truly amazing!!
and its a never ending experience.. i would love to continue with misfit as long as possible.. am trying hard to be in bangalore so that i could be in touch with misfit and my batch mates..
This feedback is just a trailer guruji!! Picture abhi baaki hai!!
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