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Pradeep Pachigolla pnvpradeep at gmail dot com
Find Pradeep on FB Great intro level acting course! The course is really well designed for getting you onto the stage and start on the path of professional theatre. The idea of ‘choosing a character opposite to your real nature’ is very effective in overcoming your inhibitions and getting out
Kumar Rahul kumar4rahul24 at gmail dot com
Find Rahul on FB To Baba, As a kid I always wondered at the life of an actor,could it be any better.Everything that I wanted to happen with me was happening with them.Isn’t everything that we do in our life because it brings us more love one way or the
Rekha Kudligi rekhakudligi at gmail dot com
Find Rekha on FB As destiny would have it, I had seen a final day presentation by misfit students, and was totally sold on it. I was initially apprehensive, thinking, I would be a MisFit, considering my young age( pun intended). When I expressed this to baba (Ratan) he reassured
Prem Nambiar premnmbr at gmail dot com
Find Prem on FB Hi Ratan, This course was a lot of learning and unlearning for me. I have learnt a lot of things pertaining to acting for example stage movements, use of props, stage business and also things that I can use in my day to day life like
Pratham Mehta prathammehta at outlook dot com
Find pratham on FB Hi Ratan, I decided to do this course as a means of breaking monotony and adding a small creative aspect to my life. L1 has been this and sooooo much more. Not only did I succeed in my goal of breaking the monotony in my life,
Sathish Babu sathish at mycarevault dot com
Find Satish on FB Dear Baba, Before coming to Misf!t,It was my longest desire to be an actor, i had inhibitions in every stage till i strongly decided to be so. But did not have any clue what makes a good actor. All these days i thought acting is easy
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Samriti Abrol abrol30one (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Samriti on Facebook ‘Ratan’ it’s all in the name. How much I wanted to join this course ?? I left two tempting job offers ONLY because the work schedule did not fit into my course schedule. Foolish is all what you want to be after this class BUT with
Syed Nabeel syednabeel090 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Syed on Facebook helloooo Ratan, Dont know wat to tell itself.. whatever coming in mind am telling. first of all the classes were amazing..mostly cos of the way it has been handled by u and another thing is cos of the ppl in the group.. after a long time
Saleem Ahmed saleem (dot) ahmed (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Ratan Been a great few weeks at Misfit in the L1 course and I feel anything but a ‘Misfit’ Loving the way the course is shaping up The things i have been massively impressed with are 1) The inherent comfort you seem to bring to all of us.
Anoop Mathew akm225 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Anoop on Facebook To say that the L1 course was unnerving for me would be a colossal understatement. Completely and utterly unsure of myself and having absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, I joined Misfit nervous and jittery, words I would frequently use to express my
Ravivarma PC pcravi240491 at gmail dot com
Find Ravi on FB Hi baba, My experience as actor in misfit – i learned the techniques of acting , i learned the fun of acting as well as the seriousness of acting and i got rid off my inhibition. experience as myself in misfit, i felt like home and
Aravind Padmanabhan aravind (dot) hex (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Aravind on Facebook Hello Ratan, I first heard about misfit from Vineet. I was so amazed by the difference it had made to him. He was a shy timid person and he transformed over a period and it was a visible change. I had decided then that i have