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Adithya virgo dot ralt at
Find Adithya on FB Hello Baba! Entire 6 weeks at Misf!t was wonderful. I didn’t expect it to be this Good. As a Teacher You’re Great. Every week day I would eagerly wait for Saturday & Sunday to Attend the class. I don’t know what else to say because its
Vishnudas EK vishnu2211990 at gmail dot com
Find Vishnu on FB Hi, The workshop at Misfit was so much of fun. The exercises to break inhibition seems to be weird but at the end we realize that our inhibitions are broken without our knowledge. I was not very observant.It was one of my weaknesses but after the
Naveen kumar naveen (dot) kumar963 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Naveen on FB “Performing on Stage”…. Just the thought was enough to run chills up and down to my spine…but in the misfit level 1 course, Baba made the process so smooth that I never knew that I am performing in front of a group (of course untill the
Rajasekar dpi dpirajasekar (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Raj on FB Hi sir, This is Raj here. After the successful completion of our batch`s grading play, i am extremely happy to share the feedback. It is not only a feedback its my complete experience which i had with MISFIT of Level 1. I just wrote whatever comes
Varshit Kalra kalravarsht90 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Varshit on FB Good Morning Ratan, When it all started I did not know that I will not only learn about the technicalities of theatre, but also about myself. I have learnt a lot of things about myself.Your way of teaching and guidance is something I always wish to
Satyaditya alok satyaditya (dot) alok (at) gmail dot) com
Find Alok on FB Now i have started knowing what acting is . It was a great learning for me in Misfit . Actually i should have joined misfit before . Thanks Bab
Featured Testimonials
Amit Ranjan Sahu
Find Amit on Facebook Everything has a purpose. Every decision you take has a reason. What was my reason for joining MiSF!T? ‘Why do you want to join Level1?’ This was the obvious question that I was asked during my interview. I had two answers back then. And I
tanush parihar tanushparihar at gmail dot com
Find Tanush on FB Dear Baba, Here’s my feedback. At MISFIT, the first thing that I learned was that like every other art form or skill, acting too can be learned methodically and anyone can become a good actor with a lot of regular practice. The Level 1 acting course
Raki Bose rakhi_bose (at) hotmail (dot) com
Find Rakhi on Facebook My experience in L1 at Misf!t… I was all tormented in my not so ‘happening’ life and a friend of mine suggested ‘Why don’t you spend some time on your hobby?’ That’s when I searched in Google about a place where I could just go and
Devyani Rohatgi devyani (dot) rohatgi (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Devyani on Facebook Dear Sir, The class had all the elements that i expected it to have. It taught the basics about theatre in theory as well as practicality very beautifully.The start was challenging in terms of how we were asked to do alot of things which involved us getting
Bharat Govindarajan bharat (dot) tcs (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Bharat on Facebook To be very honest, its very difficult to put in words the entire experience of the 5 week journey in the L1 batch.. its something so amazing that I had never experienced before. Being a trainer myself, my intention of joining this batch was more as
Unni Raj – about the grading
It’s your level of passion that leaves your unique thumbprint on the hearts of others.What moves you, excites you, keeps you up at night and wakes you up in the morning? Without passion, you’ll never be your most charismatic, attractive, an…d influential self, living a life you enjoy and being