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Preeti Rai

Find Preeti on Facebook   “You cannot teach anyone anything; you can only help them to find it within themselves.” – Galileo Galilei May i thank you for being a true teacher, guru or in this case Baba and inspiring many to discover themselves  well the sessions were extremely fun,exciting,


Bhavani Vaidya bhavani (dot) vaidya (at) gmail (dot) com

 Find Bhavani on Facebook It was an absolute pleasure to be in your class. The fact that acting is so interesting in itself and the technical details equally boring  . You made both very interesting. I would without doubt recommend anyone I know to join the workshop, if not for the acting


Hima Kurian hima (dot) kurian (at) gmail (dot) com

 Find Hima On Facebook MISFIT as the name suggests is a place for people who are misfit in the society, but in their own way!!A bunch of unique and differnet people handpicked by Ratan.Its fun to learnt the ABCD of acting with the most amusing and innovative way of teaching.Lot


Pradeep Rai pradeeprai dot thota at gmail dot com

Find Pradeep On Facebook   Hi Ratan, I am glad to take this opportunity to let you my experience of work shop verbally. This workshop is the 1 st step of my Acting Career, before that I have never been on stage or into acting. I feel like the workshop


Kiran Chengappa mrk (dot) ryan (at) yahoo (dot) com

Find Kiran on Facebook AWESOME. It is the one word in which I describe the workshop. The man responsible for all this awesomeness, Ratan, please take a bow. Ratan imparts his knowledge to everyone without any ego and that is what I like most about him. No matter you are


Yamini Kasera yamini (dot) kasera (at) gmail (dot) com

 Find Yamini on Facebook A misfit is how I felt when I first walked into the workshop. A sea of strangers – most of whom (I presumed) came with some background or interest in Theatre while I knew zilch and was there just for the joy of learning something new.


Featured Testimonials

Gomathi Balasubramanian

Find her on google I feel misfit became a great place to discover more about my self as an artist… When I joined the course I was thinking only about acting and improvisation I never thought I will do storyline, script, dialogue etc etc but when the actual play starts


Rekha Kudligi rekhakudligi at gmail dot com

Find Rekha on FB As destiny would have it, I had seen a final day presentation by misfit students, and was totally sold on it. I was initially apprehensive, thinking, I would be a MisFit, considering my young age( pun intended). When I expressed this to baba (Ratan) he reassured


Debdoot Banerjee debdoot_b (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in

Find Deb on Facebook Dear Ratan Fresh with the memories and a tad bit emotional ..I though i will write a second feedback This course is not true to the curriculum …the curriculum doesn’t tell you that the course teaches you to leave your baggage, to live life like a


Avinash C.S avin071 (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Avinash on Facebook Well, it is that time now…feedback! Never in my life did I think that I will be involved in any activity so much; which was mainly because of all the inhibitions that I had. And now that I think back, never did I think, at the


Harshal Dwivedi

Find Harshal on Facebook   Hi sir, I was always under the impression that acting is easy u just have to be fully comminted to that moment. After joining this class i came to know its not like that. there are a lot of hardwork and techinicalties involved. But yet you