Latest Testimonials

Devanand Mahakud devanandmahakud (at) gmail (dot) com

Acting is a spiritual quest to touch Human beings hence I Believe Theatre is the firm Foundation to become a Good Actor. Observation, Imagination, Projection, Improvisation, stage movement, Voice Modulation, Body Language, Creating the characters’ background, Understanding the purpose of every action and Finding the Actor’s magic are the few


Pavani Naidu pavani_nov13 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Week 1: Title: I Know I am At The Right Place Took admission two weeks before and after meeting Ratan couldn’t wait to start. The day before our first class we received an email from Ratan with dos and don’ts the excitement got the better of me. I couldn’t sleep the


Aaditya Rai filesync (at) yahoo (dot) com

When I joined the class, I did not know what to expect. As with all unknowns there was enthusiasm, curiosity – and skepticism. Regarding the quality of the material, students and that of the teacher. The very first class drove all my skepticism out, by sheer creativity and its structure.


Pooja Sukhija psukhija (at) hotmail (dot) com

  I joined this class with a lot of hesitation, anticipation of what it might turn out to be.. part of me would get excited, part of me would feel so uncomfortable at the thought of joining this course that I wanted to run away. But my apprehensions were laid


Anumeha Fatehpuria’s feedback about Level 2 Batch 7 in-house performance and the workshop anumeha (dot) fatehpuria (at) gmail (dot) com

…and now I think I have some feel for what putting up a play (or in this case, an exercise) is all about. Today, when I went to watch an in house performance, which may as well have been a public performance, I was shocked, moved, surprised and impressed by


Ravinder Pal Singh Dhillon

Find Richie on Facebook   I’ve never been a big fan of theater, or acting for that matter. I always thought it was for the more artistically inclined. So when a friend gave rave reviews for the Misfit L1 Theater Workshop to me, I didn’t hop on straightaway. I went


Featured Testimonials

Rackhee Bisswas rakhibiswas (at) rediffmail (dot) com

Find Rackhee on Facebook found baba’s (Ratan Thakore Grant’s) passionate theatre teaching enriching my soul and making me happy at a level which I have not felt since school. Baba’s passion for the craft has to be experienced to be believed and understood, it is beyond any words. I would


Asif Rahman asifeva27 (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Asif on Facebook  Hi Ratan, It has been four weeks and with every week I feel I am becoming a better person and a better actor. As you know this is the first time I have acted anywhere,still I have not felt more confident as I feel now after


Vivek Jha

Before I joined the course, I had no idea that acting workshop will be so inspiring in my personal life. The very first line of the first class “Everybody is a great actor in real life” took the Acting concept a different direction. There were a lot of technical and


Naveen Kumar naveenkumarn (at) hotmail (dot) com

  Hi Ratan… The feedback… though not entirely my words but exactly what I feel… The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires and Ratan you inspire us! Thank you for teaching us from the heart. What we learn with pleasure we


Mahesh kutty Marar

Find him on google Before joining MisFit I had zero knowledge about what acting really is and I had no idea where, to begin with. I was in search of an acting school and a mentor who could help me with the start. When I came across the L1 Acting