Latest Testimonials

Unni Raj – Another feedback

Last Sunday was magical ! Ratan brings his 25 year teaching experience to the table.He conducted the class like an artist, wielding his brush, pushing that inspired image from his cortex on to the empty canvas. The activities of the day didnt make any logical sense.They were counter-intuitive.But at the


Unni Raj – about the grading

It’s your level of passion that leaves your unique thumbprint on the hearts of others.What moves you, excites you, keeps you up at night and wakes you up in the morning? Without passion, you’ll never be your most charismatic, attractive, an…d influential self, living a life you enjoy and being


Amiya Sahoo

Intelligent teaching from an intelligent man.


Preetam Sarmah

I am so glad that finally the ‘then’, and ‘now’ have interchanged their places. As of today, I speak more of ‘now’, and less of ‘then’. Probably, because I have nailed the purpose of my continuation on this otherwise puzzling piece of concept called universe. Now, that I have so


Saily Pall

Find Saily on Facebook   Life changing experience… I joined Misfit to learn acting, not knowing that at the end of day, I am going to learn so much about myself.I have started to believe in myself so much more, all thanks to Ratan.All the people around me can feel


Keshavan Velu keku (dot) van (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Keshavan on Facebook Where do I start? I’m not a person who praises people easily on their face. But, would like to tell few sentences on behalf of the entire Batch 24. Firstly, would like to thank you to start up the MISF!T group and keep it running successfully


Featured Testimonials

Vivek Jha

Before I joined the course, I had no idea that acting workshop will be so inspiring in my personal life. The very first line of the first class “Everybody is a great actor in real life” took the Acting concept a different direction. There were a lot of technical and


Suvin Valson suvin_valson (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in

Find Suvin on Facebook Hi Ratan, Sorry about the late response.I am glad for one, I had the courage to experiment. I was’nt sure if I was good at expressing, the classes have helped me realize , I have so much more to convey through my actions and expressions There


Pooja Sukhija psukhija (at) hotmail (dot) com

  I joined this class with a lot of hesitation, anticipation of what it might turn out to be.. part of me would get excited, part of me would feel so uncomfortable at the thought of joining this course that I wanted to run away. But my apprehensions were laid


Syed Nabeel syednabeel090 (at) gmail (dot) com

 Find Syed on Facebook helloooo Ratan, Dont know wat to tell itself.. whatever coming in mind am telling. first of all the classes were amazing..mostly cos of the way it has been handled by u and another thing is cos of the ppl in the group.. after a long time


Keerthana Ak keerthana (dot) ak (at) gmail (dot) com

 Find Keerthana on Facebook Hi Ratan, This is the feedback that you blackmailed me to give. I’m bad at giving my opinion about anything under the sun, but who can make me stop?.. so here I go.. Before I joined Misfit, I thought acting was a joke. (I mean when dogs,


Devyani Rohatgi devyani (dot) rohatgi (at) gmail (dot) com

 Find Devyani on Facebook Dear Sir, The class had all the elements that i expected it to have. It taught the basics about theatre in theory as well as practicality very beautifully.The start was challenging in terms of how we were asked to do alot of things which involved us getting