Latest Testimonials
Sujata Anand
I would like to share my experience of my first day at MISF!T. Though I joined theatre for fun somewhere I felt “Can I actually do theatre?” I was skeptical and also very worried about my performance being judged, but yes I wanted to give it a try. Everything was
Deepak Bhagat
The first class & the second class and the session with L2 batch made me realize that Yes I have also somthing inside me which was sleeping somewhere inside for longer. I have no words to express my gratitude to you but still My Heartfelt Thankx to you who really
Pavan Barnala
Life is a b…. (Sorry Pavan, it had to be censored ). Free flow of emotions is what is required to live with this b…. That is possible with self discovery.Theatre is a powerful medium to discover self. With this very notion, I enrolled myself for this Theatre workshop. My first
Sujata Anand
Now that we have come to the end of L1 workshop, finished our grading as well, I can talk about my entire experince, through this journey. The day I started Feb 14th 2010, since then I have learnt a lot of things. I liked acting but, usually did acting when
Prakriti Parijat
Being a part of MISFIT has been the highlight of the year 2010 for me. The credit goes solely to you Ratan. It has been an amazing experience to not only learn but also unlearn some of the myths about acting and theatre. I had a great time with everyone
Ajit Pasi
First and foremost: I salute Ratan for the person he is. I never thought that I would find a talented person who can achieve to be so professional while being extraordinarily compassionate, , philosophical but still practical, playful and humble ( I had read about them only in books). He
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Abhishek Krishnagiri Amarnath abhishekka8589 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Abhishek on Facebook Coining a term as ‘course’ for this will not be fair, I would say it is an “EXPERIENCE”. This is surely one of the Bucket List item for those having even slight interest in acting. My journey with MISFIT started with an hour long interview process, not
Subhasis Deb
Life is very beautiful because it gives you a lot of opportunities to work on why|how|what you want to be in life. I started by choosing why i wanted to become an actor and then came the how. Around then only one of my friends told me about misfit, an
Ju Talukdar – Another feedback
Yet another barrier broken…yet another dawn…yet another exhilarating weekend at Ratan’s Workshop! I am simply loving it 🙂
Preetam Sarmah
I am so glad that finally the ‘then’, and ‘now’ have interchanged their places. As of today, I speak more of ‘now’, and less of ‘then’. Probably, because I have nailed the purpose of my continuation on this otherwise puzzling piece of concept called universe. Now, that I have so
Ju Talukdar
Find Ju on Facebook Ratan…what can I say….what this workshop is doing to me. I am gradually re-discovering myself, a self that I thought had long died. Every Saturday and every Sunday, you bring alive that Ju in me, that I had lost. I have no words to express