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Rakhi Biswas rakhibiswas (at) rediffmail (dot) com
Find Rackhee on Facebook Dear Baba, Please put this poem as a dedication to you and your passion on the website as my feedback. One has to experience of Ratan’s magic to get infected by the passion of acting. I dedicate these few lines to Baba. “I am the actor,
Manisha Yadav yadavmanisha773 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Manisha on Facebook I was always told that I can never be an actor because people believe that acting is all about pretending and being very straight forward by nature I can’t pretend so that means I can never act. And I believed those people. But they were absolutely wrong.
Selvaramesh P p (dot) selvaramesh (at)
Find Selva on Facebook Dear Baba, Sorry for delay in feedback. I’m a Software engineer and passionate on Photography, Cinematography and Film Making. Had worked around 10 short films as Cinematographer, editor and poster design. Curious to understand what’s going on with actors and joined MISF!T Level 1 course. Few
Ravali T ravali (dot) chetty (at)
Find Ravali on Facebook A lot of people may not know this, but I was a very reserved person for a long time. It was just a select bunch of people in my life to whom I used to open up to. Being social and spontaneous was not my scene.
Suprabha B suprabha (dot) 31031992 (at)
Find Suprabha on Facebook L1: First day was very scary, all the fuh-kha exercises made me wonder why am I here. As the days passed by I was having fun, made a few friends but I would still miss those jobless weekends. Sometimes I used to count the number of
Rituparna Gope rgope895 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Rituparna on Facebook MISF!T must have received complements like – amazing, marvelous, fantastic, brilliant, awesome workshop. Well, I am not going to write anything different, but with a blend of my experience. MISF!T has helped me to rediscover myself. When I say rediscover I mean I have again fallen head over heels in
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The advance cource was very different from what i had expected. Any course conducted by Rathan is a lot of fun but there were portions of the advance course that were intense and very personal for me. There was a lot of introspection required for the basic emotions and I
Abisek Purkaystha uriaheap (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Abhisek on Facebook Hi All , The MAC (Misfit Actors Code) clearly states that everything should have a beginning middle and an end. Beginning: A 33 year old confused soul enters the Misfit studio to break his inhibitions and enrolls for L1. Middle: He fights his inhibitions (fighting …
Ajay Kumar ajaytechie07 at gmail dot com
Find Ajay on FB Join MiSFiT level 2, you probably get to know where you FiT. It took some time to recollect what I have learnt in this course and continue to recollect, because its huge.Few things I would like to share. This course is more about learning characters than
Ian Castelino
Like many of us would agree, a good measure of an actor lies in his ability to convince the viewer that he is not acting but is the very character he is depicting. That is probably the core of what I perceive to be the purpose and direction of the
From reel to real is the Keyword I was told DAY 1. What it means …easier said than going thro. Now, I know why is said, “Acting is believing” Now too far ago was thinking, I am dine with the acting part when Level 2 was announced and to my
Chandrahasa Reddy
I was really lucky to be one of the students in Ratan’s first Advanced workshop batch. The workshop was intended to raise the level of our understanding of the skill of acting and to inch closer to professional performances. This workshop required us to be dedicated and to pick up