Pooja Laxmeshwar
poojalakshmeshwar (at) gmail (dot) com
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Hi, Before coming to the interview I actually went through all the feedback on the website and was struck by one thing they all seemed to say, and that was, how MISFIT had helped them evolve into better people. After six weeks, I have to agree that MISFIT has definitely made me a better person. There could not be a better place to break your inhibitions and become aware of your core strengths and improve your weaknesses. It is actually surprising to see how by learning to become someone else I really began appreciating myself more. Apart from that, the technicalities and nuances of theatre are taught by Ratan in such a fun way, they get registered and imprinted in our brains forever. I would look forward to the classes throughout the week. The energy Ratan has to stand and teach us for hours is inspiring. Also, his childlike (not childish) quality rubs off on all of us eventually. And, the way Ratan gives equal importance to every person in the class is makes all of us feel special and helps in bringing the best out of us. The whole atmosphere at MISFIT is positive and friendly. I know I have made friends for a lifetime here. Thank you Baba for this amazing platform. You are the best teacher I have ever had.
Lots of love, Pooja Laxmeshwar
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