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Ankit Yadav ankityadav9218 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Ankit on Facebook Experience as an Individual: This is the first thing I would like to talk about. To draw a simple analogy, I was like a man with a lot of wood, an axe and a space on which I wanted to build something, something which others have
Sai Shilpa s (dot) sai (dot) shilpa (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Sai on Facebook I wished to be associated with theatre since my school days and that interest directed me toMisf!t. When I joined the Level 1 course, all I wanted was to gain knowledge about theatre and learn to act on stage. I believed that Misf!t would help me
Vinod Bagade vinod (dot) bagade (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Vinod on Facebook Ratan’s level 1 acting course has been wonderful unprecedented journey for me from past few weeks. Loads of learning and loads of fun. I really mean it! Personally it has helped me in being more expressive in office or in personal life. Helped to identify my
Niraj Kasar niraj910 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Niraj on Facebook Hello sir, L1 for me has been a hell of a ride. I enjoyed all the exercises. Starting from face exercises to improvisation. I learnt a great deal in this course, but the most learning phase has been the last one. I learnt how to work
Harsha Bhaswant bhaswant (at) yahoo (dot) com
Find Harsha on Facebook Dear Baba, Here’s my feedback . The very first day when you enter the class, With an evil grin and words sounding crass… You hear Mr. Ratan say “God help you! Welcome to hell” Which I know might worry you or scare you as well. But
Harsh Jain harshjain0000 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Harsh Jain on Facebook Amazingggg! That’s what I feel about MISFIT. I have always loved how Ratan sir helped me to become a better actor and a better human being. And always making everyone comfortable. I always had stage fear and couldn’t talk front of audience so this course
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Anumeha Fatehpuria’s feedback about Level 2 Batch 7 in-house performance and the workshop anumeha (dot) fatehpuria (at) gmail (dot) com
…and now I think I have some feel for what putting up a play (or in this case, an exercise) is all about. Today, when I went to watch an in house performance, which may as well have been a public performance, I was shocked, moved, surprised and impressed by
Rohil Chopra rohil (dot) aceventura (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Rohil on Facebook Dear Mr. Thakore Batch 29 to me has been a homecoming. TWS is perhaps the only positive memory I have from my school days, and I am glad I came back to it. Seven years into college and work, left me consumed by a feeling of
Ankitha Kumari mankithakumari (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Ankitha on Facebook One of the amazing experiences i have ever had. I am really proud to be a part of this group and ofcourse having learnt a lot of things from Ratan. Ratan promised me during the interview that within the first 2 weeks of the course I
Anindya Gupta anindya234 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find anindya on Facebook Good Morning! Where were you last night? Out sir, that is why sending this so late. 🙂 My only regret would be ‘why did I not do this earlier in life?’. Nevertheless I did it. I survived the ‘hell’. I enjoyed this hell so much that
Rituparna Gope rgope895 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Rituparna on Facebook MISF!T must have received complements like – amazing, marvelous, fantastic, brilliant, awesome workshop. Well, I am not going to write anything different, but with a blend of my experience. MISF!T has helped me to rediscover myself. When I say rediscover I mean I have again fallen head over heels in
Harini Gopinath
Find Harini on FB So if you are a judgemental head like me, then you should read my review. About 2 months back when I was going through the reviews in misfit site, I really thought Ratan was some kind of manipulator and people were overrating him. I was wondering