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Avinash C.S avin071 (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Avinash on Facebook Well, it is that time now…feedback! Never in my life did I think that I will be involved in any activity so much; which was mainly because of all the inhibitions that I had. And now that I think back, never did I think, at the


Anurag Unni anuragunni (dot) p (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Unni on Facebook Hi Baba,The reason behind why I joined misfit is I had lot of stage fear and the other thing is I have no idea about acting. After the first day of class I understood that my paisa is wasool. Completely irradicated my inhibition problem after first


Debdoot Banerjee debdoot_b (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in

Find Deb on Facebook Dear Ratan Fresh with the memories and a tad bit emotional ..I though i will write a second feedback This course is not true to the curriculum …the curriculum doesn’t tell you that the course teaches you to leave your baggage, to live life like a


Abhishek chauhan abhichhn93 (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Abhishek on Facebook Hi sir, Its been a great learning experience . Before coming here , i knew something from watching lot many movies .From there i had lot many different confused opinions about process of acting . So misfit solved this by giving one simple structure /process and


Shreyas shreyasa0 (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Shreyas on Facebook Hi sir , I think misfit has really influenced me,not just in my acting but also in my confidence when talking to others.When I dreamt of becoming an actor ,I was just concentrating on getting chances and I had wrong definition on acting,but now I know


Anish Borana anishborana (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Anish on Facebook Baba you already know very clearly what I felt about the workshop. But even then I’ll try to write a few points from the many. Before I joined I thought I knew myself very well… I was wrong! Every second I spent at misfit I could


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Rushi Joshi rjforbarcelona (at) gmail (dot) com

 Find Rushi on Facebook “I always thought acting was about talent but after joining MISFIT I realised its Science along with Art. My inhibitions, shyness to act all where flushed down. I developed a new sense of euphoria towards acting and life because definitely the Workshop wasn’t just on acting


Arun Duvva arunduvva (at) yahoo (dot) com

Find Arun on Facebook Hi Sir, The classes have been amazing. On the 1st day I kind of got bored because we were doing the beggar activity. I suddenly feared that my money got wasted. But then after that day it has always been great. I look forward to it



Class of L1 was real fun…there was great bonding among participants.



I have quite a few problems for acting-one being inhibition, another being me not having great memory. But somehow I joined to test myself. First few classes, I was a bit anxious. But soon I was making a lot of progress. Each class was a gradual and steady progression with more aspects of


Shubhang Goswami shubhang (dot) freak (at) gmail (dot) com

Find Shubhang on Facebook The experience at Misf!t has been captivating, uplifting and long lasting. I came to learn acting and went back with so much more. The life skills which Misf!t taught me will stay with me forever. In Misf!t you get to interact with people from different backgrounds,