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Arvind Krishna slickr392 (at) live (dot) com
Find Arvind on Facebook Nothing specific but a very general feedback of my road from being a person who would abstain himself from initiating a casual chat with someone (anyone), who turned into to a gregarious folk. Like really, give me a chance to talk and at times, and I
Abhishek Krishnagiri Amarnath abhishekka8589 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Abhishek on Facebook L2 is a journey within you. I literally went into various time zones of my life, I cried, laughed, got angry, and became sad. Yes everything and every emotion were true. This is what Baba made us to go through. L2 was like a roller coaster
Vidya Mathews vidya (dot) mathews (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Vidya on Facebook From the word ‘GO’ till the moment Ratan said your L2 is completed…Phew!!! the journey was better than a roller coaster ride !!! After my L1 grading I thought I had understood some bits of acting… ‘Jokes’(dialogue from “strangers”) … Day 1 of Level 2 pulled
Rushi Joshi rjforbarcelona at gmail dot com
Find Rushi on Facebook It’s not a workshop- it’s life changing in every aspect. I still remember about the day before my L1 started; I was like I shouldn’t expect much from this course and try to give my 100%. But what a grand journey it has been. I had
Abisek Purkaystha uriaheap (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Abhisek on Facebook Hi All , The MAC (Misfit Actors Code) clearly states that everything should have a beginning middle and an end. Beginning: A 33 year old confused soul enters the Misfit studio to break his inhibitions and enrolls for L1. Middle: He fights his inhibitions (fighting …
Nieil Sancheti nieilsancheti (at) yahoo (dot) com
Find Nieil on Facebook Dear Ratan I finally did it. After putting it off for many years, I finally enrolled for an acting class, did my Level 1, and completed it. Then……Level 2. Looking back, enrolling myself to do the Level 2 was one of the craziest things I ever did.
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Ajay Kumar ajaytechie07 at gmail dot com
Find Ajay on FB Join MiSFiT level 2, you probably get to know where you FiT. It took some time to recollect what I have learnt in this course and continue to recollect, because its huge.Few things I would like to share. This course is more about learning characters than
Rakhi Biswas rakhibiswas (at) rediffmail (dot) com
Find Rackhee on Facebook Dear Baba, Please put this poem as a dedication to you and your passion on the website as my feedback. One has to experience of Ratan’s magic to get infected by the passion of acting. I dedicate these few lines to Baba. “I am the actor,
Parth Kapoor parth2k (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Parth on Facebook Hello Sir, PFA Level 2 feedback ! 🙂 Level 2, wow. Extremely sorry for sending this 3 weeks later than it was supposed to reach you Sir. Level 1 was amazing, awesome, it was point 1 – check, point 2 – check, point 3 – check
Vishal Nayer vishalgds (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Vishal on Facebook “To be a good actor you need to be a good human being”. And with these words started the process of my advanced workshop To say that this course helped me would be an understatement. The advanced workshop for me was a beginning of the journey “within”.
Sapna Chandiramani sapna (dot) chandiramani (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Sapna on Facebook Hey Ratan, “I always tell my friends – if you can make the time for it, Misf!t is an experience to have – it’s been a bucket list experience for me. It throws you right out of your comfort zone, and makes you a better person
Amber Sinha ambersinha07 (at) gmail (dot) com
Find Amber on Facebook As the year draws to a close, a glance back at the highs and lows is in order. While this has been a very eventful year for me, what with starting work, running a house for the first time, writing more than I have ever done